• MDM License Requirement

    A $20 charge will be applied to new purchases of iOS and Mac devices to cover the cost of Mobile Device Management license costs. Technology Services will cover renewals of licenses. Purpose Financial Scope All new Apple device purchases Roles & Responsibilities Technology Services Tech Facilitator will include in billing to schools / departments. Owner […]

  • Digital Citizenship Plan and Computer Refresh Cycle Requirement

    Originally posted September 22, 2014. The computer desktop refresh cycle for schools replaces computers in labs as well as classroom teacher stations. This four year cycle has been in place since the 2010-2011 school year. A requirement for schools to continue receiving these computer refreshes is that Digital Citizenship and Safety needs to be planned […]

  • Purchasing of Devices and Digital Citizenship and Safety Planning Requirement

    For purchases of devices that students will be using there must be a plan in place for explicit teaching of Digital Citizenship and Safety before deployment of the devices. (iPads/Chromebooks/etc) The Technology Administrator will discuss with the site Administrator prior to purchasing to verify that a plan is in place or will be in place […]

  • Printer Purchasing – Procedure

    Procedure: Printers (purchasing and servicing) New Printer Moratorium Moratorium discussion from March 2012 http://www.prn.bc.ca/ts/?p=1514 Technology Services will no longer support the addition of new printers to the school district unless they have a specific educational purpose (ie adding a drafting class and needing a plotter, a new fine arts class needs a color printer etc) This […]

  • Ordering – Requirement

    Schools wishing to order through technology services must do so via work order (helpdesk.prn.bc.ca). Please include what you are looking to order as well as the account code to charge. If the order is for a computer we will normally purchase Dell or Apple computers for schools. If the order is for a printer please […]