• Environmentally Sustainable Information Technology – Requirement

    Our department is working towards an Environmentally Sustainable Technology Services Department. We would like your feedback or new ideas in the comments. Technology Services will: Reuse wherever possible (refurbished machines) Recycle IT when it is at the end of usable life (data protection / destruction consideration) Power management via Software, Group Policy (Active Directory), User […]

  • Catering for TS – Requirement

    In an effort to reduce our waste stream the following requirement has been created. All arms of the Technology Services department will follow these guidelines when purchasing food for sessions. Any containers/materials supplied by a caterer to deliver food should be preferably reusable or at least recyclable (no Styrofoam, no non-organic waste, no plastic utensils) […]

  • Environmental Sustainability Procedure

    Technology services will reduce our environmental footprint whenever possible. Our department will be environmentally and fiscally sustainability. With this in mind we will do the following: -reuse or sell devices when appropriate rather than recycling -recycle computer parts when they reach an end of life and cannot be reused or sold. (before recycling a hard […]