End of Life Specifications Procedure

Originally Published Oct 2009 – Updated September 2019 (Newest items in Bold)

This requirement is meant to provide some clear guidelines regarding what technology will be assigned as an End of Life (EoL) asset and no longer supported after the date attached to the specific hardware, OS, or software belowAn exponential increase in the demands on Technology Services makes it impossible to support everything. This will also help in planning for technology as locations with EoL devices can prioritize spending based on the requirement.

End of Life assets can remain in the district however there will be no priority or funds allocated to their servicing.

Special consideration may be given to assistive technology for 1701 identified students whose IEP requires technology that does not meet the specifications below. This could possibly include conversations with the School Principal/LAT, Technology Services, and Learning Services regarding the appropriate solution.

As computer technology changes rapidly, the specifications of this requirement are to be reviewed yearly by TS management and the SD60 Technology Committee.

Operating Systems (OS) that will no longer be supported

  • Mac OS 9 or older (May 2010)
  • Windows 2000 or older (May 2010)
  • Win2k Server (September 2011)
  • OS X 10.4 or older (June 2014)
  • OS X 10.5 (June 2014)
  • OS X 10.6 (September 2016)
  • OS X 10.7 (September 2016)
  • OS X 10.8 (September 2016)
  • OS X 10.9 (September 2016)
  • OS X 10.10 to 10.12 (December 2019)
  • OS X 10.13 (June 2020) 
  • Windows XP or older
  • Windows 7 (June 2021)

Hardware Systems that will no longer be supported

  • Mac and PC hardware that will not support current OS. 

Hardware Devices that will no longer be supported

  • Inkjet printers-except drafting plotters (already in effect)
  • CRT monitors (already in effect)
  • HP printers models 4x, 5x, 4050, 4100 (October 2014) (ie. anything older than the majority of students in the district) – due to driver issues with new computer and server OS’s

Software that will no longer be supported

  • Any software that requires an EoL OS listed above (as per date listed on OS above)
  • Email Clients (eudora, thunderbird, outlook, entourage, mail etc) (December 2009)
  • Report Writer (September 2011)
  • Success Maker (March 2014)
  • Asgard (July 15, 2011)
  • IE 5 (September 2011)
  • IE 6 (May 2010)
  • Citrix for Library Services
  • Office X for Mac on WWP laptops (July 2014 [next refresh] or earlier depending on Operating System compatibility)
  • Apple Works for Mac (future operating systems will not support the old PowerPC software architecture)
  • IEP Central (June 2014)
  • BCeSIS (late 2015 / early 2016)
  • All the Right Type (ATRT) (June 2016)
  • Flash (June 2020)
  • Boardmaker by disc or requiring Flash (June 2020)

This requirement is set to be reviewed each year by TS and partners if they wish to share ideas.


Sustainability of workload


All district locations

Roles & Responsibilities

Technology Services in conjunction with district partners will discuss, weigh options and needs, and make decisions as to what can be supported.


IT Manager


September 27, 2019 – Update EoL specs
December 6, 2018 – Updated format
May 2016 – Updated content
Oct 2009 – Created


Technology Services staff education.