SD60 Technology Learning Passport

Technology Learning Passport for School District 60
(Inspired by

Zig Ziglar: ‘You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great’

Which of the following can you confidently do? Which of the following would you like to learn in the upcoming year? What would you add to the list? The following three levels and their skills can be used for a quick self assessment about your technology skills. The list adapted into a rubric form may also be used to help guide future technology teachers/staff hiring in SD60 schools.

If you are looking for a quick collection of good videos that cover a variety of topics from copy-paste to sharing media here’s a fun resource


  1. Learn basic physical computer troubleshooting
  2. Be able to log in to a Windows or Mac computer
  3. Use Student Information Services (MyEducationBC) for attendance and report cards
  4. Use email, calendar and documents for communication
  5. Effectively manage files and folder on computer and network
  6. Discover menus and tools of programs
  7. Back up work (not personal media) to network/cloud
  8. Connect to a projector, document camera, AppleTV, Airtame, or other peripherals
  9. Access content on a district website site
  10. Setup/connect to a new printer
  11. Create, manage, update and reset your passwords (Password Management Page)
  12. Lock your computer when not in use – Password lock your computer
  13. Ability to contact the helpdesk for support at 250-785-HELP (4357) or create a work order at
  14. Download pictures from a device to a computer
  15. Attend a webcast via Zoom/Meet/Teams (or other web meeting software) for content specific educational presentation
  16. Be Web Literate (Alan November Web Literacy for Educators available in your school library)
  17. Be familiar with Digital Literacy, Citizenship and Safety efforts in the school district
  18. Effectively manage strong, 12+ character passwords for various tools (different passwords for different websites)
  19. Be aware of your own digital footprint/tattoo and carefully consider how you respond on social media. (District guidance document on Social Media)
  20. Teaches and Models Digital Citizenship and Safety. Digital Citizenship and Safety Moodle page, Learn60, Social Media Guidance
  21. Model appropriate reactions to challenges with technology. Feel comfortable with the statement to your students, “I’m having a problem with this, can anyone help?”


  1. Bookmark, tag and annotate websites in the Cloud (diigo)
  2. Create and use a Blog (, wordpress.comweebly)
  3. Create and use a Wiki site, or a Moodle Course (wikispaces, pbworks, District Moodle)
    Create a Learn60 Google Classroom for use with students
  4. Create hyperlinks (in e-mail, at blogs, websites and wikis)
  5. Create a PDF file for Free
  6. Capture, Remix and upload Photos (free of copyright restrictions, flickr, picasa)
  7. Capture, Remix and upload Audio/Video (soundcloud, Youtube)
  8. Use a collaborative file sharing and editing system with colleagues or students (Google Docs/Drive,
  9. Personal Learning Network: Locate and Participate in Social Networks (#bcedchat on twitter)
  10. Participate in a scholarly discussion via Zoom/Meet/Teams (or other web meeting software) for content specific educational presentation
  11. Communicate appropriately with parents and students via email
  12. Teaches and Models Digital Citizenship and Safety. Digital Citizenship and Safety Moodle pageLearn60Social Media Guidance
  13. Comfortable with using multiple devices and operating systems
  14. Creating own lesson materials with a variety of software tools
  15. Use a Blended Classroom model with content f2f and online (flipped classroom model, or website/blog with course materials available)
  16. Use URL shorteners and/or QR codes for efficient delivery of web-based material to students. Lesson ideas for QR codes
  17. Use a modelling software like 123D, Tinkercadd, Fusion360 to create and print in 3D
  1. Utilize Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy when creating lessons (Andrew Churches), and Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model (video of Ruben Puentedura explaining SAMR)
  2. Design of Lessons including Technology (UDL, Pedagogy, start with Why)
  3. Build and maintain a dynamic Moodle Course or Google Classroom with Forums, Assignments, Quizzes etc.
  4. Embed Content (Youtube, Slideshare, Scribd etc) into blog, moodle, wiki
  5. Project based learning with technology (authentic tasks, webquests, etc)
  6. Action Research projects about or using technology
  7. Teach in a hybrid classroom via Elluminate with students in your room as well as students at a distance
  8. Facilitate or Present on a content specific educational topic via Elluminate (CEET)
  9. Use feedback tools in and out of class such as, SMS/web polling, mentimeter, polleverywhere, Twitter backchannel #mrbellsclass, Google Forms for surveys
  10. Using a variety of devices in your classroom including personal devices that students have brought in.
  11. Teach and share freely with other learning community members in formal and informal settings on all the above!
  12. Teaches and Models Digital Citizenship and Safety. Digital Citizenship and Safety Moodle pageLearn60Social Media Guidance

Want some help? Give Laurie Petrucci a call at 250-785-4357 or send an email if you are okay with Basic#4!

Did you notice?

Teaching and Modelling Digital Citizenship and Safety was included in each of Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced? No matter where you are in your technology skills it is expected that we model digital citizenship and safety with each other and our students!

Pedagogy Framework Matrices 

Puentedura’s – SAMR Framework – Are you working towards redefinition?

Moving tasks to the redefinition stage result in a larger effect on learning

Koheler and Mishra’s – Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge TPACK Framework

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. The TPACK framework extends Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

Level of Technology Integration Matrix

What’s the level of technology integration in your classroom and lessons? Is it purposeful with real world applications? Is it student centred? Have a look at the matrix below

Level of Technology Integration – Digital Framework (HTML)

Level of Technology Integration – Digital Age Framework (PDF with diagram) – Local Mirror

Thanks to Sean Thomas for finding the original source on these two from LOTi