Catering for TS – Requirement

In an effort to reduce our waste stream the following requirement has been created.

All arms of the Technology Services department will follow these guidelines when purchasing food for sessions.

  1. Any containers/materials supplied by a caterer to deliver food should be preferably reusable or at least recyclable (no Styrofoam, no non-organic waste, no plastic utensils)
  2. We are to use reusable plates, dishes and utensils
  3. Participants of the session will be asked to help clear the dishes to either the SBO or SSS or Grandhaven dishwasher and help clean any reusable containers from the caterers
  4. Plastic containers or paper bags are to be cleaned by session participants and recycled

Caterers are to be informed of this requirement. If they cannot meet our requirement on certain items we will not purchase those items from them (nb: usually soup in styrofoam containers). If they will not or cannot meet our requirement we will discontinue use of that caterer.


Safe and Sustainable Environment


Technology Services activities that are catered

Roles & Responsibilities

Technology Services staff




December 6, 2018 – Updated format
September 7, 2009 – Created


Technology Services staff education.