TEDxOntarioED coming to SD60 – April 9th

TEDxOntarioEd – April 9th, 2010 – 4pm – 7pm local time

What is TEDxOntarioEd? http://www.tedxontarioed.ca/

TEDxOntarioEd is where educators, academics, students, and other remarkable people will have 5 minutes to share their ‘idea worth spreading’ about motivation. This dynamic sharing will discuss the concept of motivation, how it relates to students and educators in our rapidly changing world, the tools that enable motivation, and how motivation is manifested in various contexts. Through the support of TED, this event promises to bring together creative minds from across Canada that will immerse an audience of live and remote participants in a rich dialog about innovative ideas.

SD60 to Host LAN Party for TEDxOntarioEd

We will host a LAN Party to view TEDxOntarioEd. We will have a video, skype, and twitter link to the conference so we can view and participate. Also dinner will be provided for participants who are able to attend. If you’d like to attend please email me jbell@prn.bc.ca with the number of people.