Waynor and Discovery Education streaming (aka united streaming) are in partnership with this streaming project. http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/
Started the session with questions from the group to help and steer the direction of the presentation which included whether these can be embedded into moodle, what are the costs, compatibility, bandwidth issues etc.
Discovery Education streaming is a password protected user site, access to 5000 videos, and 44,000 video segments. Use 22,000 different images and clip art, over 1500 editable videos, more than 1000 closed captioned videos, full teacher guides and blackline masters, interactive atlas, calender, aligned to BC curriculum standards, download capability for virtually all videos.
Site has an administrative capabilities with user reports, content filtering at discretion, managing users, generate stats, gauge effectiveness of streaming.
Enables engaging multimedia lessons so our students do not need to power down when they come into our classrooms.
Each school that signs up gets a unique pass code that is used to register teachers on the site. Teachers can create a custom account and save items including assignments links, quizzes…
There is a professional-development section that shows teachers how they can integrate video into their classrooms.
Streaming can be used to preview, but teachers should download if they are planning to use it in their classroom to avoid any network problems. Video’s can be added to powerpoint, web, moodle etc.
Very good teacher section with LO, students can do assignments online, email verification to teachers, add video, images, questions etc, export assignments to word.
Also demoed how it can be imported into WP. Moodle would work as well. I’d recommend using the mov format as it is cross platform. Let’s try…
calorie (mov file)
Yep, it works!
Drumroll on the cost:$1.98 / FTE in schools with a minimum of $485.
Each school gets a point person for the company (department head) who will receive passcode info for their teachers. This also enables better pro-d within the school as there is support locally. (pro-d available on website as well that helps that point person)
I would list this as a BUY if you have money in your LR budget, especially if you have projectors, and smartboards in your classrooms.