Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with students at the Energetic Learning Campus about social media and mobile technology. Between some videos and activities I asked some survey questions. Here are the results (total of 107 respondents)
71% had high speed internet
85% had a mobile phone
45% had a smartphone (defined by a web browser)
85% had a facebook account
22% had a twitter account (3% tweeted me something)
65% left their mobile on through the night. Several commented that their models while charging must be on.
18% had used social media in a sanctioned instructional activity in the past
44% had used their mobile in a sanctioned instructional activity in the past (many had just used them recently on their mask project to take pictures)
In one group where I was able to get through more of the presentation, 12 / 32 (37.5%) said their parents were facebook friends with them.
I look forward to having an opportunity to ask the questions again later in the year.