• SMARTTECH Purchasing Frozen

    All SMARTTECH (smartboards, smart doc cameras, notebook) Purchasing is frozen until further notice until licensing changes are clarified and budget implications understood.

  • Beware of the shiny things

    A very smart man passed the following thought and quote to me today. A pitfall to avoid is the seductive power of shiny digital services and wares that prompt many companies to pursue technology for its own sake. “Technology can be a siren song. Without a focused approach, it’s easy to be led astray,”   It is something […]

  • Thank you

    Thank you to our Trustees for the apples.

  • Macbook Exchange – teachers at BB and DK

    We have a surplus of spares this year due to decrease in grade 6/7 enrolments and there is no need to pull out a computer lab and replace it with a mobile lab in one of the elementary schools due to space needs. Because of this we plan on replacing teacher laptops at Bowes and […]

  • Service Degradation

    One of our three ESX servers that share work would not reboot last night after the power outage. We have migrated services to the other two so that services are available. We will work today to rebuild the server and get back to 100% capacity. Account related tickets will have to wait for a bit. […]

  • Planned Network Maintenance

    RFC# 102107 Location(s):      Burns Lake, Fort St John, Hazelton, Houston, Kitimat, Queen Charlotte City, Stewart, and Terrance RNCs – All Users SD60 –  Baldonnel Elementary School             Charlie Lake Elementary School             Hudson’s Hope School Prespatou Elementary & Secondary School Upper Pine Elementary & Junior Secondary School Window:           2013-09-04  22:00 through 2013-09-05  06:00  PDT Impact:             Multiple outages during this Vendor requested […]

  • Secretary Posting

    Technology Services will be looking for a replacement secretary for next year. Please see the posting at the link below. Closes May 21st at noon. https://makeafuture.applytoeducation.com/Applicant/AttJobPosting.aspx?JOB_POSTING_ID=18d8a751-dfa8-4086-bc99-d875e5c9cc67&PAGE=1&locale=en&MAF=1

  • Planned Internet Outage – April 28th

    Please note that there is a planned service interruption for this Sunday morning (April 28th) for an hour between 6am-9am.  RFC# 96296 and # 96297 Location(s):     Fort St. John and Surrey RNCs – All Users Window:  2013-04-28  06:01 through 2013-04-28  09:00  PDT Impact:  1 hour outage for this network maintenance